Predator vs. Prey | Zootopia On Social Issues

Zootopia, created by Walt Disney Animation Studios, was masterfully executed, bringing the animal kingdom alive in yet another already beloved animated film. Guided by Byron Howard (Tangled) and his talented team, the creativity and intricately detailed efforts to shape this evolved, the animal-run metropolis has garnered praise from kids and adults alike. io9 states that “in this movie, a single giraffe has more individual hairs on it – 9 million – than every character in Frozen, Big Hero 6, or Wreck-It Ralph,” and each of those hairs was independently manipulated by the film’s animators. The scale of Zootopia’s hard work can be seen throughout the entire film, magic and artistry glazing each scene, proving that imagination is limitless for these creators. 

Preconceived Fear For Those Who Are Different

As a fantasy world made up of evolved anthropomorphic animals, the diversified city of Zootopia is described as a place where both predator and prey can coexist harmoniously. At first glance, it appears to be a paradise where all other preconceived notions have been let go of, yet as the film continues, it is revealed that ancient biases cling on, even to those with the truest intentions. It reflects our society’s public effort to advocate change (#OscarsSoWhite) while shedding light on the personal, internal struggle of abolishing prejudicial opinions. “Change is both an individual and communal act,” Erik Barnes (Ranker) notes. On the surface, we coexist with those who are different from us, whether in race, culture, religion, or gender. Still, hostilities brew simultaneously, and this is what Zootopia addresses. 

The war against stereotypes is a central theme in the film, a matter the two heroes of the movie, Judy Hopps (Ginnifer Goodwin), the bunny, and Nick Wilde (Jason Bateman), the fox, struggle with. Judy is a vocal spokeswoman in her fight for equality, most prominently in the workplace. She becomes the first bunny cop only to be undermined, discredited and insulted. “I’m not just some token bunny,” Judy says. Her struggle depicts the unyielding pressures of being different, but Judy is a “try-er,” and she perseveres.  

Nick, her partner-in-crime, implements a different tactic due to experiencing anti-fox discrimination. After being attacked as a child due to his species, Nick embraces the stereotype that all foxes are cunning, sly, and manipulative. He grows up to be a con artist because that is what is expected of him. This creates a dialogue about how detrimental predetermined discrimination can be and how limiting our prejudices are to the undeserving.

[Zootopia’s] theme, as timely as it is, is also timeless. (Ginnifer Goodwin, Zap2It)

Best Friends Selfie

Judy’s family, the Hopps, work through their own bias against foxes during the film. Their bias is based on fear for their safety, but Howard’s tactful storytelling puts into perspective how prejudice for an entire race, or species, cannot be put on the shoulders of individuals.

We see this point made on a larger scale when predators begin “going savage” and prey start to panic. Though superficially diminished for a time, the divide becomes transparent: predator vs. prey (us vs. them). The sight of prey protesting against predators brings an eerie chill when juxtaposed with the discrimination many in North America are currently facing, such as Indiana’s denial of funds to Syrian refugees or Ted Cruz’s recent call for “law enforcement to patrol and secure Muslim neighbourhoods before they become radicalized.”  In Zootopia, there is also a call for action against “any aggressive predator that looks savage,” mimicking the instant racial profiling BIPOC continue to battle.

The point of Zootopia isn’t to guilt people into being tolerant or to say that if you make a prejudicial remark, then you’re a villainous racist. It’s that we all have been fed misinformation and likely subconsciously cling to incorrect notions about other cultures, races, religions, or, in this case, species. (Erik Barnes, Ranker)

We need a new call to action, one of inclusivity; we need to embrace diversity rather than divergence, and this film gives us exactly that.

Chaotic Cohabitation

Zootopia is an adventure chockfull of adorable animals, jam-packed with witty references to pop culture, such as Breaking Bad and The Godfather, and bursting with impressive supporting performances from Idris Elba, Shakira and J.K. Simmons. In beautiful animation, it is an advocate against bullying and a blunt voice addressing social issues. It is a smashing hit, a quality film that will reach all, no matter the age.

Watch trailer here.

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